
My 50th Post - And A Thank YOU

Tuesday 12 June 2012

*hark, is that a fanfare I can hear?* 

Okay, okay. As posting statistics go, 50 pushes of the Publish button is a piddling drop in the online ocean; I know. Perhaps almost laughable. '50 posts, pah. I'll match that and raise you 75 in ONE month kiddo and then - and only then - come and tell me about achievement'. 

But still, it really does feel like an achievement. I never thought I would get this far, stay up so late tinkering with html coding, or enjoy cultivating my little corner of the t'interweb so much. 

To those of you who take the time to regularly read my ramblings a heartfelt thank YOU. This blog is a big deal to me (and my spare-time sanity), and knowing that there are lovely people who actually read it makes me very happy indeed. 

And now, for the cheeky bit. If you're on the fence about following, but at some point might *coughs* like to, I've splashed out on brand spanking new shiny social media buttons for additional easy ways and means to do so. Eyes right, scroll back up a tad, they're in the sidebar over thatta way... ;) 

Finally, if you have a new or established blog that I haven't yet come across, but really should know about, then do shout out. I love adding to my Blog'Lovin reading list. x

* Picture credit: Shabby Blogs Vintage Freebie With Keren - Adorable Bluebird Clip-Art

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